Saturday, 12 March 2016

Into the Lonesome Woods

 I walked into the lonesome woods
To have a glimpse of the nature’s treasure trove
Filled with exquisite waterfalls, wild landscapes,
Green meadows and deep dark valleys.
 The soft filtered touch of the sun
Reaching through the green shades of trees
Kindred my spirit with cinders of passion
To explore the unknown realms of nature
Which remains hidden to the eyes of  modern man
Toiled by the mighty buzz of gadgets and technology
Getting weary and weak every time
Longs for a new life,  a fresh pasture
To unravel him from the heavy burdens of modern life
So now it’s time to join the path of true green lovers
Who traverse deep into the abodes of green nature
To  break the complex fetters of life
Entangling them and to a lead a life
As simple and pure as nature
That the travelers to the lonesome woods enjoy.

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